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Charm Accurate

AKhod | 2024-06-08 | 882.3 KB | Downloads: 128

PreviewPlatform: Android
App Version: v4.10 or newer
Tone: Dark, Light, Middle
Surface: Mat
Interface: Touch

Based on standard Charm skin. Functionality has not been changed, only the "Favorites" button has been added to the phone layout.

The Squad

AJ | 2024-06-05 | 976.5 KB | Downloads: 23282

PreviewPlatform: Android
App Version: v4.10 or newer
Tone: Light
Interface: Touch, For CarPC, Thematic

Вдохновлено стилистикой постеров фильма "Отряд самоубийц" (2016)

Charm Strict

AKhod | 2024-06-04 | 3 MB | Downloads: 2361

PreviewPlatform: Android
App Version: v4.00 or newer
Tone: Dark, Light
Surface: Mat
Interface: Touch

Based on the standard Charm.
Added an Amoled theme. The old style (slider) has been added to the equalizer.
In landscape mode, tap EQ style xxxxx to change the equalizer view.


eXense | 2024-05-08 | 487.2 KB | Downloads: 12351

PreviewPlatform: Android
App Version: v4.00 or newer
Tone: Dark, Middle, Light
Surface: Mat
Interface: Touch
Form: All-in-One

The sixth version of the skin, a playlist as the main screen, several color themes, there is an adaptive theme

Charm Perfect

AKhod | 2024-04-27 | 1.1 MB | Downloads: 2158

PreviewPlatform: Android
App Version: v4.00 or newer
Tone: Dark, Light
Surface: Mat
Interface: Touch

Based on the standard Charm.
Added the old style equalizer (10 bands).
In the auto equalizer layout, the line scrolls horizontally (along the bottom of the screen).
Added an Amoled theme.