Atlanta Georgia Semi Truck Lawyers

Atlanta Semi Truck Attorney

A pre-negotiation strategy includes the use of an offer by a plaintiff. While the first offer must be high enough to indicate good faith, it should also leave room for further bargaining and settlement. If the plaintiff's offer is too low, the opponent will be unlikely to accept it. Moreover, a pre-negotiation strategy also helps prevent the opposite side from gaining too much, as this could jeopardize the outcome of the case. Another useful strategy is limiting the agency of the negotiator. This strategy helps to get agreement on sub-issues first and then move on to more difficult issues. However, one disadvantage of this strategy is that the other side may refuse to negotiate with a narrow agent and try to settle the case. The risk of a pre-negotiation is high. The odds of a successful settlement are extremely low, so it's crucial to be prepared for the possibility of it. It is important to remember that settlement negotiations are rarely a straightforward discussion of one issue. Many parties will need to compromise on multiple issues with a range of possible solutions. Therefore, settlement negotiations are broken up into smaller mini-negotiations over each dispute. It is important for both parties to understand this concept and agree on a shared agenda. This will help them stay centered in the negotiations and reach an agreement.

Injury Lawyer For Catastrophic Injuries


Reasons To Choose Our Accident Lawyers. If you would like prove your case in the court, it is crucial that you just hire the best accidental injuries attorney. Your household and close friends must also be aware of this fact. The responsible party may actually have the capacity to avoid making part or all of the compensation you deserve, when they make use of the time you practice to recuperate from your injuries in gathering evidence that supports their case. The situation can become a lot more challenging in the event the victim takes a long time to register receive the legal representation they need – a thing that we certainly have seen even at our law practice. We had been still able to get up to we could from the responsible party, regardless.

Injury Lawyers And Accident Law Firms In Atlanta Georgia

Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. can be a law firm that is representative of a team of professionals focusing on accidental injury law that may handle your case and pursue a plan of action that can help you receive some sort of settlement as a result of your negligence related issue or accident.

Best Georgia Accident & Accidental Injury Attorneys

Settle Or File Suit? Many clients wonder once we often take cases to court, meaning we file suit with respect to our clients. There are actually situations when this is basically the best path to take, but a majority of cases are settled outside of court. You will still find legal battles and loopholes outside the courtroom to consider, and there's much we can do for you to ensure you have the settlement you deserve.

Vehicle Accident Attorneys - Kenneth S. Nugent, PC

An automobile or rather all traffic accidents have the potential to be devastating to victims as well as their families forever. If you are a victim of any traffic or motor vehicle accident, we are capable of assist you with your compensation claim. There exists a team of very skilled accidental injuries lawyers across our 8 Georgia offices. We will allow you to protect and fight for your personal legal right to get compensation for your personal injuries, damages, and losses.

Our injury lawyers at Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C., have several years of experience here of the law. For this reason, our company is inside a better position to provide legal services, consultation, and representation. Through case evaluation, we are going to determine who are able to take place accountable for the injuries and deal with the insurance company on your behalf. This will help by offering you space to recover in peace.

The time frame for wrongful death lawsuits in Georgia is two years from the date of death. While this time period can be tolled, it is best to file as soon as possible. If you are unsure, consult with a qualified attorney. Many insurance adjusters may try to convince you that you do not have the case. The statute of limitations for wrongful death lawsuits in Georgia is two years from the date of death, but there are exceptions.

If your loved one's death was caused by someone else's negligence, the statute of limitations for wrongful death lawsuits in this state may be extended. However, there are cases where the wrongful death statute of limitations has been extended due to criminal prosecution. Your attorney will be able to walk you through the process and ensure that you have the best chance of recovering damages in this case. The legal system is complicated, and an experienced attorney will help you navigate the legal process.

Auto Wreck Law Firm Atlanta

Auto Wreck Law Firm Atlanta

In order to win a wrongful death lawsuit, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant failed to provide proper care for the injured person. This duty includes following laws and not driving recklessly. Additionally, a duty of care exists for tour operators who take clients on activities that can be dangerous for the plaintiff. This is what sets a duty of care apart from ordinary duty of care. And remember: the more a person trusts others, the greater their chances of winning a lawsuit. Compensation awarded in wrongful death lawsuits - Wrongful death cases typically award compensatory damages, which are meant to compensate the deceased for the pain and suffering they endured. While compensatory damages are not taxed, punitive damages are. Punitive damages are designed to punish the defendant, not to compensate the deceased for the expenses they incurred in the wrongful death. As a result, wrongful death judgments can be taxed by the IRS. This is why it is important to consult a CPA or tax attorney when receiving the proceeds from a wrongful death case.

Compensation awarded in wrongful death lawsuits can go a long way in helping a grieving family cover the mounting costs of a funeral, burial, or cremation. The amount of the settlement awarded to a family depends on the type of person at fault. Individual drivers may not have the financial resources to pay the full compensation required. However, insurance companies have deep pockets and can often afford to settle wrongful death lawsuits.

In some wrongful death lawsuits, the surviving spouse and children may be able to recover additional damages, including loss of consortium. The amount of these damages can be as high as $150,000 and $50,000, depending on the circumstances. Survivors may also receive additional compensation for emotional distress. In cases involving particularly egregious or reckless actions, a court may even award punitive damages. Although the compensation awarded in wrongful death lawsuits is largely based on the severity of the victim's condition, it should be enough to compensate survivors.

Atlanta Car Accident Law Firm

Insurance company offers low settlements in auto accident cases

If you've been involved in an auto accident and were the driver, the insurer's first offer to you might be a low one. These offers are based on computer-generated estimates that favor the insurance company's interests. The low offer is intended to protect the insurance company's bottom line, and it's easy to accept a low one because of lack of knowledge or the temptation of quick cash. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to maximize your settlement offer. First, you should try to remain calm. Don't panic if the insurance company makes the first offer. In most cases, they would not offer a fair amount at the start. However, your lawyer can analyze the first offer and explain why it's low. He can also call the insurance company to find out why it made the first offer, and refute any inaccurate facts presented by the insurer. Aside from being a helpful ally, it will be your best course of action if the insurance company offers low settlements to people in their auto accident cases.

Atlanta Car Accident Law Firm
Atlanta Georgia Wrongful Death Law Firms

Atlanta Georgia Wrongful Death Law Firms

An 18-wheeler accident can involve several parties, including the driver of the truck, other cars on the road, the driver of the 18-wheeler, and maintenance and parts manufacturers. In order to make a strong legal case, you must demonstrate that the other driver or party was negligent, or both. In addition to filing a lawsuit, you must preserve all medical records and receipts related to the accident. You have rights after an accident with a tractor trailer. Tractor trailers are large trucks, and they can cause devastating injuries to car drivers and motorcycle riders. Because these vehicles are so large and heavy, they can't stop quickly. Accidents with tractor trailers often result in serious injuries, including back and neck injuries, paralysis, and permanent scarring. Some accidents involving tractor trailers even result in death. If you've been involved in such an accident, you have rights.

You can protect your rights after an accident involving a tractor trailer by staying at the scene and calling emergency services. Fleeing the scene can result in criminal charges against you. Seeing a doctor in a timely manner will enable you to discover your injuries and treat them before they get worse. Keep all doctor's notes and treatment plans, as they will serve as evidence for your personal injury claim. After an accident involving a tractor trailer, gather as much information as you can. Gather the information of the other driver, the truck driver, and any witnesses. You can also ask them to give you their version of what happened. If possible, take photos of the scene and your injuries, including traffic signals, road signs, and visible injuries. Whether the truck driver is at fault, you should still consult a truck accident attorney.

You can recover damages - While many individuals think of 18 wheeler accidents as simple accidents involving a commercial truck, they can be a very complicated matter involving many different factors. A truck driver may be unable to avoid certain situations, and a trucking company may have been under pressure to complete its route in a short period of time. The police report may not tell the full story of what happened, and you may not be able to recover damages from the trucking company on your own. You can collect damages from an 18 wheeler accident attorney Atlanta by pursuing your claim. An experienced attorney will have the knowledge to properly evaluate the case and gather evidence for your case. Insurance companies are often willing to settle for minimal compensation after an 18 wheeler accident. It is not fair to suffer more than the other party in such a situation. If you have been injured in an 18 wheeler accident, you must contact an attorney as soon as possible to preserve evidence and build a strong case. In addition to property damages, truck accidents also result in medical and pain and suffering expenses. These expenses are often not covered by insurance carriers, and a truck accident attorney Atlanta can help you receive the compensation you deserve. Medical care, lost wages, future medical treatment, and permanent disability are all expenses related to a tractor-trailer accident. Expenses for pain and suffering can also be included in the settlement.
You should not claim responsibility for the accident

Car Collision Attorneys Atlanta Georgia

They can result in life-changing injuries - Traumatic brain injuries caused by an 18-wheeler accident can be life-threatening. A person can be knocked unconscious, suffer paralysis, or develop other behavioral changes. Although many people may not realize they have sustained a traumatic brain injury during an accident, adrenaline can mask symptoms, making it more important than ever to see a doctor. In addition to the head and spinal cord, the back and neck are also vulnerable to the impact of an 18-wheeler accident. Many people suffer from severe injuries after an 18-wheeler accident. Many of these accidents result in direct brain damage or swelling of brain tissue. Many suffer from memory loss and declines in cognitive function. Blindness can occur if optic nerves are damaged. The resulting amputation can be life-threatening and result in long-term disability. If the truck driver is at fault for the accident, the truck driver may be liable for the injuries.

Atlanta Car Accident Law Firm

Slip & Fall Lawyer Atlanta Georgia

Medical Malpractice Attorneys in the Atlanta Area - If you think you may have been the victim of medical malpractice, you should contact a Medical Malpractice Attorney Atlanta to discuss your options. Unfortunately, many victims do not seek legal representation and are left unable to receive the compensation to which they are entitled. If you believe you are a victim of medical malpractice, you can obtain free legal advice today from an Atlanta-based lawyer. Listed below are some of the best lawyers in the Atlanta area. A medical malpractice attorney Atlanta will fight for the rights of injured patients and their families. At Ken Nugent Injury Attorneys, the attorneys understand how much financial hardship can occur for the victims of medical malpractice. That is why they offer free consultations to all clients. The firm will not charge a fee until a client wins their case. Ken Nugent Injury Attorneys understands this and strives to meet your needs while providing you with the best legal counsel.

Slip & Fall Lawyer Atlanta Georgia

Frequently Asked Questions

The personal injury attorney will typically receive 33 percent of the total settlement sum in the case. However, cases that go to trial frequently have various expenses. This fee arrangement aims to reduce the client's financial risk when selecting an attorney to represent them.


Inform the insurance companies of the incident. Even if you won't be making a claim with your own insurance carrier after an automobile accident, you should still tell it. Investigate your accident, then submit your claim. Have settlement talks. Suit up and head to trial.